Eva Makk and son A.B. Makk participated in the Cancer League of Denver's Hope Ball. Eva donated a painting for the live auction. It brought in the most amount of dollars ever for a piece of art donated to the annual function. Two articles about the event can be read by clicking on the links below:
Rue Royale - Paris - Oil Painting by Eva Makk - auctioned during the Hope Ball to help support the Cancer League of Denver |
Artist Eva Makk with with Elise Marks-Gruitch and her mom, former CLC president Edie Marks. Photo by David Zulobow Special to the Denver Post |
Eva Makk painting for the enjoyment of the supporters of the Cancer League of Denver before the Ball began. |
Eva Makk at her easel before the festivities of the Hope Ball. From left to right, Linda V. G. Kelley, Edie Marks and Linda Goto - Photo from The Villager |
Artist A.B. Makk with former CLC president Edie Marks. |